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Details of incident 69

Swamping record

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Date October, 2001
Location Rockford, Illinois, USA
Water Temperature mid 70's
Boat(s) involved several 2x's and a few quads
Boat Construction open under seats, but sealed deck compartments
Outcome We had such a big lead with a mile to go that we still won the race, and the rowing kept us nicely warm. All others were able to either row to the finish or were rescued safely. If the air or the water had been colder that day, it would have been very dangerous. 
Description High winds in the afternoon head racing that day produced whitecap conditions in an extremely exposed last mile of the race. Doubles and a couple of quads with lower gunwale heights (our Kaschper for example) all swamped completely. Unfortunately our boat has no stern-cocpit self-bailer. We finished the race (very slowly), since there was no other good take-out. Higher-gunwaled boats did not swamp. One boat required rescue by officials

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